Course Overview
During this course students explore using MyBatis for the persistent layer of your application. Most Java applications use JPA, which is more an ORM than a Persistent Framework such as MyBatis. Learn how MyBatis can simplify your persistence and drastically improve performance by being in complete control of the SQL.
Course Prerequisites
Students should be experienced Developers on the Java Platform. Basic knowledge of SQL and JDBC would be helpful.
- Recognise how applications benefit from MyBatis (over, for example, JPA)
- Understand the MyBatis philosophy and programming model
- Understand connections, sessions and transactions
- SQL Mapping and interfaces
- Define Result mappings
- Collection and Association mapping
- Writing Dynamic SQL (building SQL at runtime)
- Configuration and tweaking of MyBatis
- Define custom Type Handlers
- Writing SQL in code using the SQL Builder Class
- Write Multi-Database Vendor Applications
- Tips and Best-Practice
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