Course Overview
This Android training course takes a comprehensive look at the Android architecture to build and deploy applications for Android. Starting with the installation of the developer tools and Android SDK, the course covers how to build the user interface, work with local data, integrate data from the accelerometer, GPS and other sensors, and deploy finished applications to the Android Market.
Course Prerequisites
Basic Knowledge of Java Programming Language is required.
Get started
Build your first app
- Android Studio and Hello World
- Your first interactive UI
- The layout editor
- Text and scrolling views
- Learn to help yourself
Activities and intents
- Activities and intents
- Activity lifecycle and state
- Implicit intents
Testing, debugging, and using support libraries
- The debugger
- Unit tests
- Support libraries
User experience
User interaction
- Clickable images
- Input controls
- Menus and pickers
- User navigation
- RecyclerView
Delightful user experience
- Drawables, styles, and themes
- Cards and colors
- Adaptive layouts
Testing your UI
- Espresso for UI testing
Working in the background
Background tasks
- AsyncTask
- AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader
- Broadcast receivers
Alarms and schedulers
- Notifications
- The alarm manager
- JobScheduler
Saving user data
Preferences and settings
- Shared preferences
- App settings
Storing data with Room
- Part A: Room, LiveData, and ViewModel
- Part B: Deleting data from a Room database